• Microsoft Technologies

    - .Net Architecture
    - C# Fundamentals
    - Framework Components
    - 3-tier Architecture
    - Collections and Generics
    - OOP
    - File IO
    - ADO.Net
    - String, StringBuffer
    - Windows Controls
    - Exception Handling
    - Threading
    - MYSQL DB Basics

    - Asp.Net Basics
    - Web Page Controls
    - Master pages and State Management
    - Generics
    - LINQ
    - Web Services
    - WCF Services
    - Jquery
    - MVC Architecture
    - MVC Fundamentals
    - Entity Framework

  • Open Source Technologies

    - JVM Architecture
    - Java Language Fundamentals
    - Declarations and AccessModifiers
    - Operators and Asssigments
    - Flow Control
    - OOPs
    - Java.lang
    - Collections
    - Exception Handling
    - Threading
    - File IO
    - JDBC
    - Swing Basics
    - MYSQL DB Basics

    - Swing in Detail
    - Networking
    - JSP
    - Servlets
    - Web Services
    - JSLT

    - Spring
    - Hibernate
    - Struts

  • Android

    - Introduction to Android
    - Platform, Tools, Versions
    - Android Development Framework with Architecture
    - Android Studio Installation/ eclipse
    - Introduction to Gradle
    - Development using Android Studio with Gradle
    - Android Environment – DVM, ADT, AAPT
    - Device and Emulator Control
    - DDMS and Logcat
    - Delvik debug tool
    - Work with ADB
    - Types of Android Application
    - Hierarchy Programming Structure
    - Android Manifest File
    - Activity Lifecycle
    - Intents and intent Filtereres
    - Introduction to Fragment
    - Fragment Lifecycle
    - GUI Architecture
    - Layouts
    - Android Widget Tools Kit
    - Android Form and Field Widgets with Events
    - Serialization and Parceable
    - Composite Components with Events
    - Understanding Android Menus
    - Android Dialog and Pickers
    - Introduction to Action Menus
    - Android Dialog and Pickers
    - Introduction to Action Bar
    - Fragment Management using Action Bar
    - Android Preferences
    - File Storage in SD Card
    - SQLite Database Connectivity
    - CRUD Operation in SQLite